Adrian TSA cleans house at State!

Twenty-three middle and high school Adrian TSA members competed and presented at State.  Every one of them brought home hardware!

Adrian TSA cleaned house at State!  After 58+ hours of competition and presentations, all 23 MS and HS Adrian TSA members came home with hardware!  How's that for Blackhawk Pride?!

TSA State Awards:
1st - Biotech Team (Schoor, Dines, Mann, Thompson, Chamberlein, Reese)
1st - Amina Scallety - Future Technology Teacher
2nd - Scaletty/Reese - Debate
2nd - Middle School Leadership Strategies
2nd - Hunter Chamberlain - Extemperaneous Speaking
2nd - Dylon Piveral - SCIVIS
2nd - Amina Scaletty - Prepared Presentation
2nd - Children's Stories Team
3rd - Biotechnology Team
3rd - Chapter Team
3rd - Mary Wood - Essays in Technology
3rd - Amina Scaletty - Extemperaneous Speaking
3rd - Maly Sears - Tech Sketching
3rd - Tyler Arnold - Desktop Publishing

TSA elections were held for next year's State Officers.  Three Blackhawks were elected!  A huge congrats to Rachel Mann, TSA State Reporter; Robert Reese, TSA State Sargent-in-Arms; and Emilea Dines, TSA State Vice-President.

Photo by Stacey Evans
