Adrian Elementary Rocks!

In Honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, 
THANK YOU to all of the Adrian Elementary staff!!!  You're the best!!!

Elementary Principal
Connie Reynolds

Administrative Assistant
Lori Cook

Parents as Teachers
Heather Bridges

Pre-K Team
Rhonda Walley, JaNell Ferguson

Kindergarten Team
Lara Six, Tracie Kimminau, Meshelle Thompson

1st Grade Team
Amy Shipley, Mitchell McNeal, Kirsten Collier

2nd Grade Team
Katy Bruto, Jen Wason, Lisa Widner

3rd Grade Team
Lori Schmidt, Wendy Cogbill, Cindi Henrich

4th Grade Team
Amy McVey, Debbie Frazier, Simon Schupp

5th Grade Team
Treva Smith, Erin Hooper, Traci Rugg

Title I Reading
Kari Scott, Kim Young

Special Education
Jennifer Doty

Stacey Evans

Sandy Curnutte

Karen Cochran, Librarian
Kelly Tally, Para

Teresa Sword

Jenny Czyzewski

Physical Education
Kelsi Robards

Classroom Paras
Mary Brown, Shari Essenpries, Becky Greer, Patti McGowan, 
Allison Pugh, Audrey Underwood

Technology Para
Gary Smith
