by Michele Burris
"I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me....." Lee Greenwood's words are ringing through my mind as I sit down to write about the overwhelming, heartfelt tribute to our fallen heroes at the Lt. Charles Garrison Veterans Memorial on Saturday. It was an incredible program hosted by the Adrian VFW Post 1935. Kids and adults of all ages were in attendance.
The Adrian VFW Post 1935 Memorial Day Services began with Matthew Harris, Adrian Christian Church Preacher, saying the opening prayer (and later the closing prayer). His prayers were deeply felt by all.
Sincere and at times emotional words of veterans VFW Adjutant/Chaplain Don Arndt, VFW Quartermaster Tim Hummel, Guest Speaker David Hug (Miami High School Teacher) and VFW Commander Dennis Petty, had a profound impact on my family, on everyone at the service. The remembrance in music was tremendous. Faith Hutchens was all heart as she sang the National Anthem. The powerful brother and sister duet of Gerold Stephens and Hannah Newkirk was surely felt by the veterans. They asked veterans of the United States military to please stand as their branch was recognized in the "Armed Forces Medley." Hannah also sang with Angie Preston and Raelynn Kershner. Their rendition of "God Bless America" was absolutely stunning. I'm not sure there was a dry eye in the house when three young girls gave it all they had while singing "Amazing Grace." Maggie Jacobs, Harlee Newkirk and Claire Newkirk showed that patriotism and remembering the reason for Memorial Day is just as important to the younger generation as it is to those ahead of them. "Echo Taps" brought tears to my eyes once again as Keri Lemon and Melanie Young played flawlessly to conclude the program.
Lee Greenwood's song continues..."And I'll gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today..." There is something that gets me every time I see veterans saluting. They have such a deep pride that I can't begin to explain it. God bless all of these men and women, they have made sacrifices so that we are free. Free isn't really free, though, because many of those men and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice. We must always remember the fallen (and their families), and respect with everything we have that our many freedoms in the United States of America are because of their bravery and heroism. "'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA."
Words of Gratitude:
"All Adrian, MO VFW Post 1935 Members, the Memorial Committee and all American Veterans thank you for all of the support of prayers, gifts, and labor given to this project of love."
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