Excellence in Academics!

The Commons was packed with high school students and parents who gathered to celebrate high academic achievement on Wednesday, May 4, 2016.  The Academic Awards Banquet was catered by Mrs. Julie Carr and her Foods/Nutrition class.  They sure know how to cook because dinner was delicious!  Middle/High School Principal Abe Lewis gave some opening remarks and offered many kudos to the students who lettered in academics.  Assistant Principal Jeanette Baker handed out certificates and congratulated each recipient.  Four student speakers representing each class delivered well-thought out, well-written speeches. It was a perfect addition to this year's banquet!

Freshman Amina Scaletty spoke on behalf of the Class of 2019.  

Representing the Class of 2018 was Maly Sears.

Tanner Pitts gave his speech for the Class of 2017.  

On behalf of this year's graduating class, Steven Jacobs represented the Class of 2016.

To letter in academics, students are required to earn a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.3 or higher. Students who achieved a GPA of 3.75 or higher were given special recognition.  The Class of 2017 (the juniors) had the highest number of students who lettered this school year. Awards were presented by class.

Freshmen:  Dakota Harris, Anson Johnson, James Keating, Collin Lybarger, Kylee Morris, Bailey Novovesky, Philip Patterson, Camryn Pruitt, Gavin Reed, Brady Talley, Evan Tolle, Zack Underwood.

Freshmen Amina Scaletty, Gavin Reed and Collin Lybarger achieved a 3.75 GPA or higher.

Freshmen Anson Johnson, Bailey Novovesky, Philip Patterson, Camryn Pruitt, Evan Tolle and Zack Underwood achieved a 3.3 - 3.74 GPA.

Sophomores:  Tyler Arnold, Trenton Bagby, Ashlee Burris, Samantha Costigan, Chase Dillon-Newport, Taylor Edmiston, Jay Freeman, Courtney Jones, Skylar Ketcher, William Kussmaul, Remington Pittman, Nicholas Preston, Robert Reese, Payton Ritter, Maly Sears, Kerigan Wimsatt.

Sophomores Maly Sears, Ashlee Burris, Samantha Costigan and Nicholas Preston achieved a 3.75 GPA or higher.  William Kussmaul not pictured.

Sophomores Tyler Arnold, Chase Dillon-Newport, Taylor Edmiston, Courtney Jones, Skylar Ketcher, Remington Pittman, Robert Reese, Payton Ritter and Kerigan Wimsatt achieved a 3.3 - 3.74 GPA.

Juniors:  Brenna Adkins, Jason Delmont, Emilea Dines, Logan Harris, Ally Jennings, Rachel Mann, Marissa Markel, Claudia Marmol, Alexis Martin, Bailey McMillan, Heather Miller, Tanner Pitts, Connor Pruitt, Jenna Purvis, Bailey Reed, Peyton Reynolds, Anthony Rodriguez, Cassie Schoor, Lauren Shipley, Kassie Stone, Sheldon Tallman, Riley Valis, Anna Walley, Jacob Weeks, Tommy Weeks, Jaylee Welcher, Hunter Wilson.

Juniors achieving a 3.75 GPA or higher are:  Bailey McMillan, Marissa Markel, Rachel Mann, Claudia Marmol, Lauren Shipley, Riley Valis, Brenna Adkins, Jaylee Welcher, Emilea Dines, Ally Jennings, Bailey Reed, Peyton Reynolds, Tanner Pitts, Tommy Weeks.

Juniors Jason Delmont, Heather Miller, Connor Pruitt, Anna Walley, Tommy Weeks, Hunter Wilson achieved a 3.3 - 3.74 GPA.

Seniors:  Brohde Bennett, Hunter Chamberlain, Adam Cochran, Wade Cumpton, Devin Darby, Sara Geringer, Sam Gregg, Taryn Gregg, Hunter Harris, Steven Jacobs, Emily Kennedy, Sydney Kidwell, Kalene Kiesel, Colton Kimminau, Hollie Kloser, Jacob Lacy, Dusty LeRosen, Colten Lovejoy, Shealey Mead, Malory Moles, Clayton Perryman, Trenton Tallman, John Thompson, Brooke Wilson.

Seniors achieving a 3.75 GPA or higher are:  Taryn Gregg, Sydney Kidwell, Shealey Mead, Hollie Kloser, Brohde Bennett, Adam Cochran, Steven Jacobs, Colton Kimminau, Clayton Perryman, Trenton Tallman.

Seniors Devin Darby, Sam Gregg, Emily Kennedy, Colten Lovejoy and Brooke Wilson achieved a 3.3 - 3.74 GPA.

