Windy Visit by Liz Ray

Windy Visit
I think the wind blew them up here—all the way from Eugene. Yes, my sister Katherine, her daughter Carmen, longtime friend and high school classmate Billie Sue and her friend Ann.

They came up to see me on this great day of high wind gusts, May 17. I was looking forward to all of us eating out on the table on the deck underneath the big umbrella.

Just as we started to take the food outside though, a big wind gust just about took the umbrella down and Carmen said I think we better eat inside.

I ended up cranking the umbrella down to keep the wind from turning the table over and I guess it was a good thing we didn’t eat out there as it would have probably blown all our food away too. I could just see dishes flying everywhere.

This car full of fun arrived around10:30, so before we ate lunch though, we took a tour of the weeds and varmint-torn up paths—and flowers. LOL I’m a little behind on my weeding.

Some night varmint is digging up all my neatly-laid hay on my paths so we had to watch our step and not trip over the mounds of twisted hay and varmint holes.
Now the tour is over and back to lunch. As usual I wasn’t ready. Somehow the outside seems to call me when I need to be inside doing stuff.  
Well, anyway, they all pitched in and helped. Of course, I knew they would.

We were having toasted cheese sandwiches on fresh home-made bread. So I cut the bread and Katherine buttered it, and I burnt the sandwiches talking and not watching like I should.
And Carmen sat there eating the bread as soon as Katherine buttered it. I wondered what was happening to all the bread I had cut. LOL

While I was toasting the sandwiches, Ann fixed the garden-fresh strawberries Jerry Hill brought me and Billie Sue did the fresh pineapple with “the thing”—the pineapple cutter I couldn’t figure out.
Even though we had to eat inside, we had a great time—and the wind didn’t even blow us away!

I always thank God for these visits. “...I came to give life with joy and abundance.” (John 10:10 V)

Love in Jesus,
God’s “company-enjoying” servant,

Liz Ray
