Mayor Herschel Cole started July's city council meeting with the pledge of allegiance. After the previous meeting's were approved and bills to be paid approved the meeting was open for public input not already on the agenda.
Walley Henrickson asked for clarification of how the parks board/committee is set up. It was confirmed by Melissa Newkirk that, per previous minutes, an ordinance had been passed setting up a parks committee and volunteers already appointed.
First on the agenda for the meeting was the code enforcement report by Brian Bearce. Bearce reported that 9 notices had been handed out and 5 citations issued. Bearce also presented the emergency management report. Sirens could not be tested the first Wednesday of the month, as it usually is done due to sever weather. If the weather held out they would test the sirens the following week.
Fire Chief Gary Dizney gave the fire department report. Dizney said the department had an emergency call the last month where a toddler had fallen into the family pool. Luckily the father was nearby and was able to start lifesaving care until first responders arrived. He expressed his desire to see fences required around pools to avoid another incident.
Police Chief Chris Dillon reported that full-time applications were being accepted for a city police officer. He would like to discuss part time applications.
Tom Williams reported that the water plant produced 9,149,000 gallons of water the month of June which amounted to 304,699 gallons per day with a run time of 14.78 hours daily. Tom also reported that there is some rewiring to be done at the plant to correct some issues the plant has been having.
David Hummel reported the newly formed parks committee met the previous week and came up with a wish list of repairs to be done. The committee would like to see resurfacing of the horseshoe leading through the park. filling potholes is no longer working well. They would also like to work on the backstops on the baseball/softball fields. Hummel also said a date had been set for the Dusk-to-Dawn softball tournament. The event will take place July 22nd.
Next on the agenda was old business. Codes: The house at 508 N Bates is being demolished by the homeowner but there hasn't been much progress. Melissa said she would contact the homeowner. The house at 101 W. 1st has had letters sent to the homeowners. The house at 35 W. 3rd was issued a citation.
The lagoon cleanout was next up. There is an agreement to do the work to clean out the solids. $20,000 was approved to be paid for the report with another $3500 to be paid once the report is accepted by the Department of Natural Resources. Talley motioned, Lunsford seconded with the motion passing on a unanimous vote. The report said there is two phases over the next 7 years to meet the DNR requirements. The first phase would be to use a biological approach to control the sludge verses dredging the lagoon. The pump station would need a screen device to protect it from non biodegradable material. The second phase would be to address 2024 ammonia limit/removal and disinfection. The contract states compliance by 2024.
Jeff Vick was next on the agenda to discuss his citation for completing his fence around his property that includes an above ground swimming pool. Vick expressed his desire to resolve the situation and have the city drop the citation. Vick gave a historical timeline of the events that led to him constructing the fence based on his contact with the city on the matter. Vick's lawyers, Joe Bearden advised Vick the liability of a toddler falling into his pool was greater than the risk of citation from the city if he completed the construction of his fence. The City of Adrian's attorney stated that no action will be taken immediately. He will get meet with the city council and be in contact with the Jeff Vick's attorneys. The lawyers will discuss.
The next item on the agenda for old business was body cameras for the police officers. Right now there is no funding available. Chris Dillon is still looking around for a source of funding.
Chuck Taylor, partner with Steve Hubbard Construction asked that the council consider removing the chain constructed across Hawthorne Street to control traffic on the one block street. After much discussion and input from citizens in attendance Hubler motioned to take down the chain, seconded by Lunsford. Motion approved unanimously.
The street department stated they needed to purchase more oil to maintain the streets. Hubler motioned, Tally seconded. Motion passed.
Police Chief Dillon asked the council to approve the hiring of Mishon Clark as a part-time officer with a six month probationary period. Clark would be paid $11 per hour for 24hrs per week. Lunsford motioned, Talley seconded, motion passed.
The meeting was then moved to a closed session. The next council meeting will be held August 7th.
Walley Henrickson asked for clarification of how the parks board/committee is set up. It was confirmed by Melissa Newkirk that, per previous minutes, an ordinance had been passed setting up a parks committee and volunteers already appointed.
First on the agenda for the meeting was the code enforcement report by Brian Bearce. Bearce reported that 9 notices had been handed out and 5 citations issued. Bearce also presented the emergency management report. Sirens could not be tested the first Wednesday of the month, as it usually is done due to sever weather. If the weather held out they would test the sirens the following week.
Fire Chief Gary Dizney gave the fire department report. Dizney said the department had an emergency call the last month where a toddler had fallen into the family pool. Luckily the father was nearby and was able to start lifesaving care until first responders arrived. He expressed his desire to see fences required around pools to avoid another incident.
Police Chief Chris Dillon reported that full-time applications were being accepted for a city police officer. He would like to discuss part time applications.
Tom Williams reported that the water plant produced 9,149,000 gallons of water the month of June which amounted to 304,699 gallons per day with a run time of 14.78 hours daily. Tom also reported that there is some rewiring to be done at the plant to correct some issues the plant has been having.
David Hummel reported the newly formed parks committee met the previous week and came up with a wish list of repairs to be done. The committee would like to see resurfacing of the horseshoe leading through the park. filling potholes is no longer working well. They would also like to work on the backstops on the baseball/softball fields. Hummel also said a date had been set for the Dusk-to-Dawn softball tournament. The event will take place July 22nd.
Next on the agenda was old business. Codes: The house at 508 N Bates is being demolished by the homeowner but there hasn't been much progress. Melissa said she would contact the homeowner. The house at 101 W. 1st has had letters sent to the homeowners. The house at 35 W. 3rd was issued a citation.
The lagoon cleanout was next up. There is an agreement to do the work to clean out the solids. $20,000 was approved to be paid for the report with another $3500 to be paid once the report is accepted by the Department of Natural Resources. Talley motioned, Lunsford seconded with the motion passing on a unanimous vote. The report said there is two phases over the next 7 years to meet the DNR requirements. The first phase would be to use a biological approach to control the sludge verses dredging the lagoon. The pump station would need a screen device to protect it from non biodegradable material. The second phase would be to address 2024 ammonia limit/removal and disinfection. The contract states compliance by 2024.
Jeff Vick was next on the agenda to discuss his citation for completing his fence around his property that includes an above ground swimming pool. Vick expressed his desire to resolve the situation and have the city drop the citation. Vick gave a historical timeline of the events that led to him constructing the fence based on his contact with the city on the matter. Vick's lawyers, Joe Bearden advised Vick the liability of a toddler falling into his pool was greater than the risk of citation from the city if he completed the construction of his fence. The City of Adrian's attorney stated that no action will be taken immediately. He will get meet with the city council and be in contact with the Jeff Vick's attorneys. The lawyers will discuss.
The next item on the agenda for old business was body cameras for the police officers. Right now there is no funding available. Chris Dillon is still looking around for a source of funding.
Chuck Taylor, partner with Steve Hubbard Construction asked that the council consider removing the chain constructed across Hawthorne Street to control traffic on the one block street. After much discussion and input from citizens in attendance Hubler motioned to take down the chain, seconded by Lunsford. Motion approved unanimously.
The street department stated they needed to purchase more oil to maintain the streets. Hubler motioned, Tally seconded. Motion passed.
Police Chief Dillon asked the council to approve the hiring of Mishon Clark as a part-time officer with a six month probationary period. Clark would be paid $11 per hour for 24hrs per week. Lunsford motioned, Talley seconded, motion passed.
The meeting was then moved to a closed session. The next council meeting will be held August 7th.
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