As you’ve probably already heard, there will be a rare total eclipse of the sun occurring on August 21. Total solar eclipses occur when the New Moon comes between the Sun and Earth and casts the darkest part of its shadow, the umbra, on Earth. A full solar eclipse, known as totality, is almost as dark as night. The total eclipse won’t be visible in Adrian, but there are locations in Missouri where it can be seen. We’d like to give students a chance to see this once in a lifetime event. A bus will be available to take students near St. Joseph, MO - one of the best spots to see the eclipse - so they can witness it. Denise and Victor Kretzschmar, Mrs. Ford’s parents, have graciously given us permission to bring a group of middle and high school students up to their property just outside of St. Joseph on that day. The cost to ride the bus will be $15 per student and this will include safety glasses for viewing the eclipse. Students will need to bring a sack lunch and water will be provided. Seating will be limited, so it will be on a first come, first serve basis. Individuals who turn in a signed permission slip and money for the bus first will have the best chance of being able to participate. We will need at least 20 to sign up in order to be able to carry out the trip.
The bus will leave Adrian at 9:30 am and be back about 3:30 pm. In St. Joseph, the eclipse begins at 11:40:34 a.m. The total eclipse starts at 1:06:19 p.m. Maximum eclipse occurs at 1:07:38 p.m. The end of totality is at 1:08:57 p.m. A copy of the permission slip will be available to print on the school website. Money and the signed permission slip can be turned in at the high school or superintendent’s office by August 10, although spots may be filled by then. If there are not enough students who sign up, your money will be refunded. If you have any questions, email MaryEllen Sears ( or Gwen Ford (
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