Acorn Vigilante by Liz Ray

  I almost trip over them. I crunch them under my feet. They’re rolling around all over the deck. They’re falling constantly. They don’t let up. I guess I could call it the attack of the acorns.
I clean off the deck, only to have another thousand fall the next day....
Yes, I know summer is over and fall has started because it’s acorn time.
I’ve used several methods of clearing the deck and the driveway from blowing them off with the electric leaf blower and the cordless leaf blower to sweeping them up with a broom and to even picking them up by hand.
I haven’t heard what kind of acorn year this is, but in a “mast” year, or boom year, one huge oak tree can drop up to 10,000 acorns. That’s a lot of acorns.
The “mast” years only occur every two to five years though, so we get a break in between on the acorn pick up.
And yesterday morning I saw that I had a helper. I looked out my upstairs window and there in the driveway was a deer helping me clean them up.
I thought. “Oh, boy, here’s some I don’t have to run over with the car and splatter all over the driveway.”
That one deer just about redeemed himself and the other deer from eating my hostas and oakleaf hydrangea and a few other plants earlier in the year.
Of course, the squirrels help me out too but I try to get the acorns off the deck first since they splatter the parts of the acorn they don’t eat all over the deck which makes it harder to clean up.
All in all, I don’t mind trying to keep the acorns under control. I know I have had a productive day when I see a clean deck or driveway.
In other ways I know I have had a productive day also when I have been able to help someone.
I like this reminder from Hebrews 13:16 GWT,
“Don’t forget to do good things for others and to share what you have with them. These are the kinds of sacrifices that please God.”
Love in Jesus,
God’s “acorn” servant,
Liz Ray
