Net on Time by LIz Ray

Net on time
Let the leaves fall! Yes, it’s time to put the net on the fish pond to keep the leaves out and as of Friday, October 20, it is on.
Every time I look at it, it’s celebration time! I had Ron Brown to come out and put it on and he did a great job.
And he got it done in two hours. This included putting rods in the ground for the three PVC pipes bent across the width of the pond and one down the middle to keep the netting out of the pond.
Next came the placing of the 20 X 30 foot net over the PVC pipe structure. This required the help of another person which I fit the bill in this case.
The last step was placing heavy rocks on the edge of the netting to hold it in place until next spring when it would be taken off again.
Of course, there’s always “pre-netting” preparation which includes getting the pond cleared of vegetation.
So off and on for the last few days I had been raking and taking out the water lettuce that had completely covered the pond over the summer.
Then Ron weed-eated the plants around the edges of the pond so they wouldn’t interfere with the net and to make it easier to drive the stakes into the ground.
All the while the goldfish swam around and watched the procedure. And this winter they can swim around and not have to be worried about being all covered in leaves.
I’m sure they are thankful—maybe not as much as I am to get the netting on once again each fall.
Over the years I have learned when it’s time to do something, that is the time to do it.
I have also found it is very easy to procrastinate, especially when the task is big.
Like maybe for me to
quit worrying about something and just truly trust God with it. I haven’t completely got the net on that yet—but, with His help, I will.
Again, my favorite verse to the rescue. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)
Love in Jesus,
God’s “net time” servant,

Liz Ray
