Judy Ball and Edith Dilley Serve in Silver Haired Legislature

From the office of Patricia Pike Missouri State Rep District 126


JEFFERSON CITY, MO: Edith Dilley and Judith Ball were recent participants of the Silver Haired Legislature (SHL) which met in Jefferson City, October 16-17.  Dilley served as a Representative and Ball as a Senator. The Silver Haired Legislature is composed of citizens, age 60 or older, who volunteer their time to advocate on behalf of Missouri’s older adults.  Created in 1973, Missouri’s SHL has the distinction of being the first such organization in the United States. The delegates are elected from each of Missouri’s ten Area Agencies on Aging. Each delegation consists of twelve Representatives and three Senators for a total of 150 legislators. All legislators meet annually for a model legislative session at the State Capitol. They debate and vote on their top five priority proposals. Once the five priorities are chosen, the SHL legislators return to their districts to encourage support of those issues. SHL representatives will later testify before the Missouri Senate and House and speak with senior groups regarding those issues. Representative Patricia Pike had the opportunity to visit with them at the Capitol and commented, “It was wonderful to see Representative Dilley and Senator Ball, engaged in their work in the House and Senate Chambers.  The priorities that they helped develop, on senior issues, will be shared with MO legislators when we go back into session in 2018.  The work that they did was important and appreciated!
