Ponytail transfer
It was 3:41 p.m. Thanksgiving Day. I was headed into town and my phone rang. It was Peggy Herman and she said, “Would you like to have a ponytail palm?” She said her son Rob had one and would like to give it to me if I wanted it.
Well, of course, who wouldn’t take a pony tail palm, so, of course, I said yes. She had said I could take a pup (an offset or baby) from hers in the spring, but now she was saying I could have Rob’s and not have to wait until spring.
She told me Rob had had this ponytail palm for over 20 years, having grown it from seed himself.
At 4:30 p.m. she called and said she brought the palm down from Rob’s after I said I would like to have it and it was sitting on her front porch.
Well, I told her I would come in for it in a few minutes and since it was about 3 feet tall and being pretty heavy and awkward to carry, I had my friend Ron help me get it home.
However somehow in the transfer from Rob’s house to Peggy’s house and from Peggy’s house to my house, the top of the plant where the leaves were accidentally got broken off.
The good news though is that in time the leaves should grow back. But right now I guess I can call it my headless ponytail palm. And I guess I can look at it this way, it makes it special.
In recent years, according to my online research, the ponytail palm has become a popular houseplant because its sleek bulb-like trunk and lush, long curly leaves makes it visually stunning and the fact that it is forgiving and easy in its care makes it an ideal houseplant for many people.
It is a succulent and a member of the Agave family (Beaucarnea recurvate). Other common names for it are bottle palm tree or elephant foot tree.
I guess my ponytail palm is a lot like Jesus in that it is forgiving. I like that part about it. And I especially like that part about Jesus. I can always count on Him to forgive me when I mess up.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV)
Love in Jesus,
God’s “forgiving” servant,
Liz Ray
Here's what the ponytail palm looks like after it was transferred to my house after its Transportation injuries. In time, the head will grow back on though. |
Here's what the ponytail palm should look like when it was at Rob's house |
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