Farewell to four great guys!  Left to right:  Dylan Bell, 
Denton Cunningham, Josh Collins and Nicholas Preston.

Blackhawks football officially ended last night as the football banquet closed the season.  Four seniors were given accolades and praise from Head Coach Matt Cochran and Assistant Coaches Matt Davis, Caleb Noland and Josh Vanslyke.  

Receiving a tremendous honor, voted on by the team, was Nicholas Preston.  Preston was named the 2017 Most Valuable Player.  His leadership and work ethic, along with his talent on the field, are the key reasons the players selected Preston as the MVP.


Also receiving a nod from the players was Denton Cunningham.  Cunningham worked very hard this season and gave Blackhawks football everything he had.  For that reason, he was named as the 2017 Most Improved Player.


We're sad to see you go, but you've made us all very proud!  All the best in the future, Dylan, Denton, Josh and Nicholas!
