In My Opinion by Don Arndt -- Washer repair, too much water

In My Opinion

By Don Arndt

Washer repair, too much water

 “Don, we have a 2006 GE washer that I don’t want to replace, but it is causing me grief right now. If I don’t take my clothes out right after spinning they are very wet. Also if I don’t use the washer for a couple of days, the tub has a lot of water in it. When I open the lid I see water dripping from what looks like the back of the lid into the tub. Please tell me we can fix it and that I don’t need a new one. Thank you, CM”.

  CM, ok, you don’t need a new washer. Yes, you can fix it and probably without calling your favorite repairman. Only one part will cause this problem and that is the inlet mixing valve. It is what the hoses screw onto in the back. Unplug the washer from the outlet, turn off the water supply, and remove both hoses from the valve and have a pan ready for some water because the hoses are full.  Take out the screws on the back around the valve, unplug the two electrical plugs on the valve and remember which side they are on. (They are color coded and reversing them when you install the new one will make the machine give you the opposite temp water than what you ask for).

  Take the washer model number or the old valve to your local appliance guy and give him less than $50.00 for a new one. Don’t try to fix the old one. I’ve tried it and it can’t be done. Install it just like the old one came off. You should be ready to go again saving yourself a few hundred dollars. If I saved that much money, I would buy the fixit column opinion writer guy a nice Christmas gift with some of it. Just my Opinion.

  You may call me at 816 898 2359 with comments or send your questions and comments to
