Community Calandar Available Thants to WMAT MA, Local Service Clubs & Associations

A Calendar for a busy community
By Don Arndt
   Every year sometime in the middle of December, every service club and association in the Adrian community comes together one evening at Frontier Village. Each group sends a representative to this meeting with the details and dates of every activity they have planned for the coming year. The calendar project is chaired by Bob and Debbie Surber. They saw the need a few years ago for a compilation of activities dates because many times there were two really great events being held on the same date.  So, folks in this very busy area had to choose one or the other event to attend.
  I think no one would argue that Adrian and surrounding community is probably the busiest around making these calendars an essential tool when planning activities.  The Western Missouri Antique Tractor and Machinery Assoc is proud to be a part of this venture and very glad to put the calendar together for the community to use. Copies are available at the Adrian Community Library for the asking and the President of every organization should have one at every meeting where planning events are made.
 Bob Surber is now serving as vice president of WMAT MA, a member of Adrian Historical Society and president of the Adrian Chamber of Commerce. We thank Bob and his wife Debbie for formatting the calendar and distributing them. And we say thank you to the many volunteers at the Library for being the pickup point.
 Pick up your free 2018 calendar of events soon so you won’t miss a single fun event held by any of the area clubs at any location such as Main street, City Park, Frontier Village, Optimist building and every other place you can name.
