Bath Time by Liz Ray

Bath time
This is a cat-bathing story about my Aunt Stella a year ago when she was only 98. Here it is.
I called my Aunt Stella the other day but she didn’t answer. 
I let the phone ring several times and then I hung up. I didn’t leave a message because I was just going to call again in a little while.
Well, a little bit later I did call again and she answered the phone, just as cheery as ever.
I asked her how come she didn’t answer when I called her earlier.
She told me she was bathing her cat. Somehow this struck me as funny. Here she is going to be 98 in a few months and she is bathing her cat.
I asked her why in the world she was doing that. She said she had seen a special shampoo at Walmart that was supposed to help with controlling hairballs so she was going to try it.
Now I don’t know how many of you have ever tried to bathe a cat but it usually ends up being a royal fight with the cat coming out the winner.
And anytime I have attempted it, I end up with claw marks on me and blood splattered every which way.
I don’t mind giving a dog a bath, but a cat—that’s a different story.
I asked Aunt Stella if it was hard to wash the cat. She said it depends on the cat.
She said she wouldn’t attempt to give Pearl a bath, a local neighborhood cat that adopted her, but this was Angel she was giving a bath and she said, “She is so dependent on me that I can kinda talk her into things.”
She said Angel fights a little until she sees she can’t do anything and without her front claws Aunt Stella said she can handle her.
I am still amazed at what Aunt Stella is always doing. I called her again Sunday afternoon and she was resting after going to church that morning. I asked her if she was going to church that night and she said, “Yes.” I told her to be careful driving. She said she would.
I am always thankful to God for giving me examples like my Aunt Stella that maybe I can pattern after.
I think this verse from Philippians 3:17 that the Apostle Paul wrote fits my Aunt Stella and is pretty good advice.
“Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example.”
(Philippians 3:17 NLT)
Love in Jesus,
God’s “patterning after Aunt Stella” servant,
Liz Ray
