In My Opinion
By Don Arndt
Mowers, start your engines
Spring is finally springing. It is time to mow that lawn for the first time. (As soon as the April
snow melts.)
But there is a problem. The mower won’t do a thing when you turn th8 2359 with comments or send your questions and commetsn to
In My Opinion
By Don Arndt
Mowers, start your engines
Spring is finally springing. It is time to mow that lawn for the first time. (As soon as the April snow melts.)
But there is a problem. The mower won’t do a thing when you turn the key. It did sit all winter and if you didn’t hook up a “battery keeper” the battery is dead. If it was complexly flat when we had a very hard freeze, the battery is probably ruined. If you did take care of the battery, it is still good and it still does nothing, clean the posts. I don’t mean wash of the corrosion, I mean take the bolts out and clean inside where the contact is made.
You did all that and the baby started, but its running terrible and maybe don’t idle well. That means you didn’t add sta-bil or some other fuel stabilizer when you tucked it away for the winter. If it will run in some fashion, buy a can of sea foam at your auto parts store and add some to the gas tank. Let it run for a while with that great stuff in it and it should come around. If that don’t do it, take it to your favorite lawn mower repair shop and he will clean out all the gas that went bad over the winter and remove the varnish/junk that the bad gas collected in the carburetor.
One last piece of advice in case you forgot my advice from one of last fall’s Opinion columns. Don’t use any gas in a lawn mower or weed trimmer containing ethanol. There are stations that sell ethanol free gas just for that purpose (just not in Adrian), it will be higher priced because ethanol gas is only available in the premium in this area, but it will certainly save you money in the long run. It will also save you from the grief of down time while the repair man washes and boils out the slimy junk ethanol gas leaves in carburetors. Of course, this is just In My Opinion.
Happy mowing.
You may call me at 816 898 2359 with comments or send your questions and comments to
You may call me at 816 898 2359 with comments or send your questions and comments to
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