Adrian FCCLA members, along with sponsor Mrs. Elizabeth DiLillo, traveled to Springfield, MO for a week at the TRACTION conference. Incoming Junior Caitlyn Sass wrote about what she learned in the safe driving portion of the conference. She paints a picture of reality that serves as a strong reminder to people of all ages, and she graciously allowed us to share her thoughts. Thank you, Caitlyn!
The past three days have been very sobering for me. I spent them at the TRACTION conference in Springfield. The purpose of this organization is to bring awareness and promote safe driving habits in our youth. At first, I wasn't expecting much. In fact, I expected to be bored out of my mind for three days. But, I went in with a positive mind and hoping to learn as much as I could. This did not prepare me for the things that I experienced.
14 schools from around Missouri (about 150-ish students) came to this conference and the staff gave us information and led us in activities tailored to show us the importance of being safe on the road. We listened to speakers who were permanently paralyzed in parts of their bodies because of their choices and the choices of others. We saw images of the results of car crashes. We learned that being tired causes many of the same symptoms and is as dangerous as being drunk. We listened and watched as 36 graduation caps were placed on chairs to represent the 36 Missouri students aged 15-19 who did not make it to their own graduation. We watched a mock car crash and watched what actually happens after one. We learned of so many people whose lives have been affected by car crashes.
I say car crash and not car accident, because they are preventable. There is no good reason for not wearing a seat-belt, for driving drunk, for being on your phone, for being distracted. People die. Teenagers die, who won't have a future because of these things.
So please: put your phone down, buckle up, and make good choices. It is not only your life at stake.
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