Adrian TSA particpate

Adrian TSA was represented at the Missouri School Board Association Conference.  Left to right:  Sophomore Robert Atchison, Sponsor Matt Sears, Sophomore Chandler Jacquinot and Junior Morgan Patterson.

Adrian TSA has a strong membership with dedicated members in the Adrian Chapter and in Missouri TSA.  This weekend, three Adrian TSA officers and Sponsor Matt Sears were on hand at the Annual Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) Conference at Margaritaville (formerly Tan-Tar-A) to talk with superintendents and school board members from districts statewide about TSA.  Sophomores Chandler Jacquinot and Robert Atchison, and Junior Morgan Patterson represented the Blackhawks.  Chandler is the State TSA Vice President. He said, "This conference is a great opportunity to promote TSA and potentially gain a new chapter."  Robert, Secretary for the Adrian TSA Chapter, stated, "TSA is really cool."  Morgan serves at the State TSA Recorder.  About TSA, he said, "TSA gives a lot of opportunities to students."

Adrian Superintendent Don Lile greeted Mr. Sears and the trio of TSA officers, as well as the Adrian school board members in attendance.  The trio was interviewed on camera by MSBA and they were the epitome of professionalism and Blackhawk Pride!  Mr. Sears gave praise for their efforts at the conference.  He said, "I am impressed with how the kids presented themselves and how they represented the Adrian TSA Chapter and Missouri TSA.  We are looking forward to participating in the conference again next year."

See the Adrian News Leader's Facebook TSA photo album for more pictures.
