PTO, FFA & STUCO present at September School Board Meeting

Kara Pennington spoke to the school board about their fundraising efforts this school year.  Proceeds from Adrian PTO Pals will directly benefit the wants and needs of Adrian Elementary.  Parents, families, friends and the community can donate!  Check out Adrian PTO on Facebook or online:
FFA members Kameran Collier and Chandler Jacquinot presented on behalf of the growing agricultural organization.  They have many irons in the fire, including Barnwarming, that was held two days after the board meeting in Holden.  Pictured below are the Blackhawks who attended Barnwarming.
Student Council Officers Aaron Cochran and Christian Evans talked about STUCO's plans for the 2019-2020 school year.  One change this year is a Homecoming tailgate party in lieu of the homecoming dance.  They are excited for this change and look forward to a fun night for high school students after the football game.  A semi-formal dance will be held later in the semester.
