Meet the Adrian City Council Candidates!

Make your way to the polls on Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Seats for the Adrian City Council are open and candidates for North and South Aldermen are on the ballot. Incumbent Sue Miller is running for re-election along with newcomers Matt Sears, Jeremy Bridges and David Hummel. The candidates submitted information to the Adrian News Leader for everyone to learn more about them. Best of luck!

North Ward
Jeremy Bridges
     My name is Jeremy Bridges. I am 41 years old and have been married to the same beautiful woman, Julie, for the last 20 years. We have 3 wonderful children; Anna (15), Aydan (13), and Adalynn (10), whom have all been Adrian Blackhawks their entire lives. Julie and I are both implants from the Great State of Texas. We moved to the area in 2001, shortly after we were wed. I have personally been connected with people from Adrian since I was a young teenager when I regularly attended Kamp Keirsey during the summer while I visited my grandparents each year. My grandmother still resides on the family farm near Amsterdam. I am part of the Lewis family that has resided in Bates County since the 1840's. 
     I have been a part of the fire service since the day that I turned 18 (with the exception of about 2 years). First, as a member of Collinsville (TX), Volunteer Fire Department (1997-2000), then Drexel Fire Department (2001-2005), then Adrian Fire Department (2008-present). As a young man, I worked in construction, mostly as a truck driver/equipment operator until I became a full-time firefighter/paramedic with Raytown Fire Protection District in 2006. I am now a captain there where I am in charge of a crew of 7 firefighter/paramedics. I am a member of the IAFF (firefighter's union). I spent 6 years as a union officer for IAFF Local 1730; nearly 5 of those years as the president. I have attended Adrian First Baptist Church since about 2004 and have been involved in church leadership there as a youth minister, music leader and lay pastor. Before that, I was a minister of music and youth at Drexel First Baptist. I have had various part-time jobs along with my full time job over the years, including owning and operating a local lawncare business for about 8 years (until about 4 years ago). I still work part time on a Bates County farm as an equipment operator and general farm hand (Herb Brownsberger Farms). Many people in this community are familiar with my service to others and my various roles in leadership. 
     Over the last few years, I have been approached by several community members about running for City Council. I shrugged off those requests for the first couple of years. After some thought, I have considered running because I have a vested interest in the future of this city. The people of this town have embraced my family and me as if I grew up here my whole life. My kids are forever Adrian Blackhawks. This is their hometown. This is their future. I believe that the city government needs to be more transparent. The way that the city does business need to be updated. The way that business is conducted needs to be more professional. The city government needs to reach out to the citizens and listen to their needs and desires. The city needs to encourage economic growth (or at least economic stability) by supporting local businesses and new business. There are some things that the city does well. We have excellent emergency services for a city of our size. Our city employees are taken well care of. I intend to make sure that those good things are not only continued, but expanded and grown. There is always room for improvement. I intend to be available to the citizens. To be a listening ear. To give honest and forthright answers. To take action when action is needed...even if it might be a little risky or uncomfortable.

David Hummel
     I am a 14 year resident, single Dad of a recent Adrian graduate, Makenna Hummel, I have been a member of the Adrian Parks Board and since am currently on the Mayor's Parks Committee, I am an Adrian Little League Board Member. I have been employed with Kuerig Dr. Pepper for the past 11 yrs. I believe that Adrian is a great place to live and raise a family in. I would like more community involvement and input from citizens. The conditions of streets must addressed. Ordinances don’t work if you don’t enforce them.

South Ward
Sue Miller

     Have been back in Adrian 35 years and served on the Council the last five years. Was a member of Elks Lodge 2864 til a year ago. During that time I worked with youth in hoop shoot, Easter Egg Hunt, Fishing Derby. My goals are to help make sure City funds are spend where they are supposed to be with the best interest of the citizens of Adrian. And to get the most money we can for the property We are trying to sell that will help with improvements for City of Adrian. I am always available if you have any questions or concerns. Appreciate your vote. From Adrian For Adrian.

Matt Sears
     I have lived in Adrian for 23 years, taught at Adrian Middle School and High School for 24. My wife has taught here for nearly as long. My two children, while both born on the other side of the world, started kindergarten at Adrian, and graduated from AHS a few years ago. 

     Our city government should take an active role in supporting its citizens, businesses, and civic organizations in keeping Adrian a growing and vibrant community. Our most prominent challenge will be working to find a solution to Adrian Manor. I would also like to see us enlist community members with knowledge and interest in continuing to improve some of what is best about Adrian--our parks, our downtown, our business community, for example. I would like the citizens of Adrian to view their city government as a partner in all this. For all this to happen the city needs to be open and welcoming to the people of Adrian, and to conduct itself in a responsible and professional manner.
