Adrian hosts 2015 Pre-Season Football Jamboree

Adrian hosted WEMO opponents Appleton City, Archie, Drexel and Rich Hill along with Butler, Sherwood and Windsor in the traditional kickoff to the 2015 football season on Friday, August 14th.  In the Jamboree Adrian scrimmaged Windsor, Sherwood and ended with Rich Hill.
Teams do not “game plan” jamborees with the intent of “winning” the games. Scrimmages are controlled practices in live game scenario. The Blackhawks looked pretty good in in some spots and a bit rusty in others.  The scrimmage allowed the coaches to see how the players perform the plays they've been practicing against players from other teams.  It also allows the coaches to get a feel for subbing in players for the listed starters.
Head Coach Matt Cochran and his assistants did a good job of getting all players some snaps.   They scored several touchdowns on the evening while their defense did a good job of keeping the opponents out of the endzone.  "We only played our 1st teamers for 16 plays tonight" said Head Coach Matt Cochran. "Throughout that, I thought we played fairly well.  Against Windsor I think we were just finding our bearings, but we played  well."
The most notable exchange on the night came against Rich Hill as a hint of a brooding rivalry erupted when some players from Rich Hill got a bit chippy with an Adrian player.   It may be a prelude to a interesting matchup in week 4 of the season.  "We really showed a lot of fire against Rich Hill" said Cochran. "Although I don't condone unsportsmanlike penalties, and the coaches really impressed that upon the players after the game, I do like the fire and grit the kids showed against Rich Hill. We haven't seen that with this group until now."

"The offense played very well vs. Sherwood.  It was a good jamboree for us. We gained some confidence tonight. I thought the 2nd stringers and JV played very well, too. We all are really looking forward to next Friday vs Butler."
The team and fans will have a chance to see how it all comes together when Adrian hosts the Butler Bears to start the regular season.  The game is set for August 21st at 7pm at the George Bruto Athletic Complex.
Gage Steen hands off to Wyatt Reynolds as Zach Shannon picks up the block in Friday's Jamboree with the Sherwood Marksmen.
Head Coach Matt Cochran has a chance to go over a few things he picked up on while the first team was on the field.

Tanner Pitts keeps the ball as the line consisting of John Collins, James Keating, Darold Costigan, Brendan Shackles, Anson Johnson, Dylan Bell and Jonhenry Jackson keep the Rich Hill Tigers at bay.

Jimmy McDonald and Adam Cochran team up to take down the Rich Hill ball carrier.

Anson Johnson is the first Blackhawk defender to the quarterback Friday night against Rich Hill.  Josh Collins is ready to assist.
