Special recognition to sponsors / coaches

In Honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, 
THANK YOU to all of the R-III staff who spend countless hours in the classroom and helping with extracurricular activities!!!  
You're the best!!!

Student Council
Megan Weers

National Honor Society
Karen Cochran

Scholar Bowl
Karen Cochran

Yearbook / Drumbeats
Rachel Coffelt-Ferrell

Julie Carr

Julie Carr

Katie Griffith

Matt Sears

Ben Palmer

Blackhawks Marching Band
Lauren Moravec

Blackhawks Choir
Lauren Moravec
(Accompanied by Gwen Ford)

HS Softball
Megan Weers
Lacey Cook

HS Baseball
Caleb Noland
Danny Apgar

JH Volleyball
Megan Johnson

HS Volleyball
Kelsi Robards

JH Girls Basketball
Megan Johnson
Traci Rugg 

HS Girls Basketball
Shaun Bruto
Meghan Vanslyke

JH Boys Basketball
Josh Vanslyke
Wade Tenholder

HS Boys Basketball
Tyson Basore
Colter Schacher
Brian Tenholder

JH Football
Shaun Bruto
Tyson Basore

HS Football
Matt Cochran
Matt Davis
Caleb Noland
Josh VanSlyke

JH/HS Wrestling
Danny Apgar
Thomas Redmon

Matt Cochran
Erin Huckaby
Amy Basore

JH/HS Cheerleading
Gwen Ford
Lesli Lame
MaryEllen Sears

Assistant Athletic Director
Amy Basore

Activities Director
Abe Lewis

Note:  We apologize for any omissions or errors, they certainly were not intentional. Everyone is very much appreciated!
