Alumni High by Liz Ray

Two great classes—1966 and 1967! Of course, they are all great but these two are the ones I got to enjoy their reunion with so I was able to spend a little more time with them. 

The 1967 class was celebrating their 50th and the class of 1966 their 51st.
I headed to Butler first for the 1966 reunion at the Flaming Lantern at noon. Before I left Adrian though I picked up Mrs. Thelma Six who was also a guest and we both went together.
We did make a little detour though, leaving a bit early from Adrian, so we could take in the rummage sale at the museum first.

Joining the class a little later, Mrs. Eva Schallert, another former teacher, sat with us also.
It was fun reminiscing with the class but also catching up on the latest with the class members and their families. 

Then at 5 o’clock that evening I joined the class of 1967 at the Optimist Building where the dinner was catered by Ritchie and Debbie Davis with their delicious barbeque.
Again it was fun catching up with this class also. In fact, to cover their “orneriness” in their younger days in my classes, they gave me a great gift—a very unusual plant called a Ming Aralia and a little cactus like plant.

We had fun recalling the times I somehow mysteriously got locked in my little closet in Room 10.
I had my books on shelves in the closet and when I went to get them, somehow the door got shut with me in the closet—with a little help from some ornery students that didn’t want to start class quite yet.
Around 7:30 I headed up to the school for the 71st annual alumni reunion so I could catch some memories with the other classes also.

This year it was different being held in the commons area instead of the gym which gave it an informal atmosphere where it was real easy to mingle and with the short general meeting being held there also.
There’s nothing like being a teacher and especially come alumni time where I get to see some of my students I haven’t seen for 50 years or so.

I thank God for all of my students—even the ornery ones! Here’s some good advice from Proverbs 4:13 NIV: “Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.”—especially God’s instruction.

Love in Jesus,
God’s “teacher” servant,
Liz Ray
