Sister surprise visit by Liz Ray

 If my kids ask me what we did, I’ll just say, “Oh, we just sat in the cane room and talked.”

That was my sister Katherine laughingly saying that this last Saturday as she and my other sister Lou and I did sit in the cane room and talked and laughed.

We also saw new canes coming up in the middle of the room which I will have to discipline pretty quickly.

 Of course, we did other things too. They came Friday afternoon and stayed all night, leaving a little after noon Saturday.

 This was a surprise visit. Lou called me Thursday night saying she and Katherine would drop by Friday after a life celebration service near Kansas City.

 When they got here Friday afternoon, we sat on the front deck and relaxed and visited. Then after a while we went to the table on the back deck and ate luscious cold watermelon they had brought.

 Then later after we had eaten supper also out on the deck, we just sat out on the deck and talked and enjoyed watching the colored lights on the rafters come on.

 My son Mark installed them in June when he was here and set them to automatically come on at dusk for a couple of hours. They give sort of a magic glow after dark.

 Saturday morning we headed for the garden and they picked green beans and tomatoes and peppers to take home. They also picked some dried giant zinnia heads for seed next year.

 Also, I had my sister Katherine who plays the piano to play a couple of hymns I wasn’t familiar with, but liked the words. I wanted to know what the tune was like. One was “Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare” written by John Newton in 1779 and the other was “The Gospel According to You.”

All in all, we had a good time, as usual. And, also as usual, I thank God for my sisters and when we can get together.

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good…” (I Chronicles 16:34 NAS)

 Love in Jesus,

 God’s “sister-enjoying” servant,

 Liz Ray
