The Class of 2018 is full of talented students in many areas.  One senior has so much skill in art and music that he will have a career ahead of him if that's what he chooses to do.  Keegan Goosey is a brilliant artist and has a special gift in music!  He continues to impress more people than he may realize with his God-given talent!

The 2017 - 2018 basketball season kicked off with Keegan playing the National Anthem on his guitar.  It was INCREDIBLE.  If you didn't hear/see it, you'll want to, and if you did, you'll want to check it out, again!  Here's a link to the video on the News Leader's Facebook page:

Keegan is in Mr. Ben Palmer's Advanced Art Class this year, and he has taken art classes through high school with Mr. Palmer.  "Keegan is a really easy guy to like," Palmer said.  "He's very talented in music and art and isn't afraid to be himself and think for himself."

Below are pictures of Keegan playing the National Anthem at the most recent home basketball game against Midway, as well as some of his artwork that has been shared previously on the News Leader blog or Mr. Palmer sent to us to share for this spotlight.

Keegan, we wish you the very best because you deserve the very best!  Good luck!
