Adrian R-III Board of Education reorganizes

Newcomer Gerold Stephens and Incumbent George Bruto were sworn-in 
as Adrian R-III Board of Education Members by Board Secretary Michele Burris.

Two seats (3-year terms) were open this year for the Adrian R-III Board of Education.  Because an election was not required with only two people filing for candidacy, Incumbent George Bruto and Newcomer Gerold Stephens will be serving the Adrian School District.  Bruto and Stephens were sworn-in at the Adrian R-III Reorganization Board of Education meeting by Board Secretary Michele Burris on Thursday, April 19, 2018.

New officers for the 2018-2019 school year were elected.  This year's officers are:
President:  David Knuth
Vice President:  Susan McMillan
Secretary:  Michele Burris
Treasurer:  Tom Underwood

Exiting his position on the school board this spring was Bret Still.  At his last meeting in March, Superintendent Don Lile and the School Board extended a heartfelt thank you to Bret for his commitment to the district.  Thanks, Bret!
