"Stay classy, Lone Star!"

Seth Ford, Lone Star King
H. Roe Bartle Boy Scout Camp

Adrian Boy Scout Troop 238 is at H. Roe Bartle Camp Lone Star for the 1st session of 2018.  Many great things are happening at camp for our local scouts, and a King has been crowned!  King honors were bestowed upon Adrian's own Troop 238 2nd Class Scout Seth Ford. Assistant Camp Leader Landon Miner said, "King Ford reigned over today's dinner service. After tonight's chicken dinner, King Ford issued a decree ordering fellow Troop Scouts Carson Elmer and Dale Dowse to be thrown into the Camp Lone Star swimming pool."  Miner added, "Both Carson and Dale are working this year on camp staff, which all the more added to the excitement. The closing words from the King were: "Stay classy Lone Star."

The 2018 Adrian Boy Scout Troop 238 Campmaster is Jacob Watts. Assistant Leaders are Chris Archer, Kevin Nelson, Billie Reid, Marvin Porter and Landon Miner.

photos by Landon Miner
